Videos: Moment angry Accra fans threw bottles on Stage at Cardi B’s Concert

Cardi B’s Livespot X festival at the Accra Sports Stadium was almost ruined by some angry Ghanaian fans who started to throw bottles onto the stage that has been cleared for Cardi B’s performance.

There was and still an uproar on social media following the so-called Ghanaian celebrities who were snubbed by American female rapper, Cardi B during her visit to Ghana over the weekend.

It wasn’t her inability to meet the so-called celebrities which were the disappointment of the day, the show also experienced some glitches and this angered people who were eager to experience a lifetime concert.

Concert experienced delays and technical hitches which propelled angry fans to throw bottles on the stage.

In videos making waves on the Internet, fans had to wait for over a period of 1 hour before the next performance and that led to the throwing of bottles on the stage.

Apparently, things were really not organised to meet the expectations of fans and music lovers who trooped into the stadium to watch various performances from top Ghanaian musicians as well as Cardi B.

Cardi B saved the night when she jumped on the stage and thrilled fans with her energetic performances with dancers.

The first video below shows the display of the angry fans. The subsequent videos show Cardi B doing what she knows how to do best. She was able to control the situation with an amazing performance