Drama ensued on Thursday at the inauguration of Prof Chukwuma Soludo as the Governor of Anambra as fight broke out at the event between Mrs Bianca Ojukwu and Ebelechukwu Obiano, wife of outgoing governor.
Elele Obiano confronted Bianca, accusing her of not wanting the husband to be Governor while calling her ‘ashawo’. In retaliation, Mrs Ojukwu stood up and slapped her leading to a fight.
Watch video of the fight as guests rushed towards them to calm the situation.
Mrs Obiano was later taken away and shortly afterwards, her husband left the venue since the incident happened after the new governor had been sworn in.
Soludo was sworn in by the state Chief Judge, Justice Onochie Anyachebelu, at exactly 9:45 am, at the Anambra State Government House.