A disturbing video that is going viral on Twitter shows moment a lady was being like an animal and her private part exposed after she allegedly stole an iPhone 12.
Although it not clear from the video where the incident occurred, the video has elicited several reactions with many condemning the brutality melting on her.

So sad . I doubt if this lady will survive this beating .And then if she dies does her life pay for the iphone 12 ? While it is condemnable that she stole , whether iphone 12 or anything else the fact remains that stealing does not attract death sentence under Nigerian Law . Only ARMED ROBBERY does . I suggest that this video be investigated to unveil the perpetrators of this beating incident with a view to prosecuting them . As a matter of urgency the lady should be given medical attention to save her life after which she should be taken to a counseling facility .
This is too hash guys, let’s try as much as we could to be human first in Al that we do.
I’m not trying to justify her act in any way but then think of what prompted her to commit such crime and also think of her being your sister or relative.