There was an bizzarre moment when the EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen stood with European Council leader Charles Michel and French President Emmanuel Macron to pose for pictures with foreign leaders from the Africa Union.
But as the minister of foreign affairs for the Republic of Uganda approached the three EU leaders on stage, he completely ignored Mrs von der Leyen, leaving Mr Michel and President Macron visibly embarrassed at the behaviour.

General Jeje Odongo was quick to shake hands with Mr Michel and Mr Macron as he turned his back at the EU Commission leader.
After the photo was taken, the French President and the EU Council leader drew his attention to introduce Mrs von der Leyen before the General left the stage.
Outraged at the scene, Dutch MEP Dorien Rookmaker said: “You don’t expect that, do you? A woman on the world stage?”
Nexit Denktank campaigners echoed: “Once again, the EU is getting no respect whatsoever, now in negotiations with Africa about our ‘common future and vision’. No one dares to say anything about the woman being ignored…
“The bad thing is that no one has chosen these bureaucrats to represent us.”
It is not the first time Mrs von der Leyen has been ignored and disrespected by foreign leaders.
Last year, the first female head of the EU executive was relegated to a sofa by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan after Mr Michel took the only stage seat prepared next to the Turkish leader.
The move sparked a diplomatic row between the EU and the Turkish leader.