Ukrainian journalist who is mourning the death of his close friend who was killed in the ongoing war against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has called for the ‘Extermination of Russian Children’.
Ukrainian ‘24’ TV host Fakhrudin Sharafmal made the call live on air as he quoted ‘Final Solution’ doctrine of Nazi Holocaust organizer, Nazi Adolf Eichmann, adding that there is no way he could give balanced information given the current circumstance in his country.
“Since we’re being branded ‘Nazis’ and ‘fascists’ by Russia, I might as well quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that, in order to destroy a nation, you have to start by killing its children,” Sharafmal said.
“Let us hope that the Russian nation and the Russian people perish to never rise again. You are trash that must be wiped off the face of the planet,” he continued mourning the death of a close friend.
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