Controversial investigative journalist, Kemi Olunloyo had said that the breasts of Big Brother Naija housemate, Tacha are flat for a young lady. She also went ahead to suggest that Tacha should lift them up like Stylist, Toyin Lawani or even use implants like the one Bobrisky uses.
She revealed that during her last birthday, she stuffed toilet papers in her bra for her birthday dress.
“Tacha’s breasts are flat for a young lady. She should lift them up like Stylist Toyin Lawani; stuffed toilet paper in my bra for my birthday dress. They lasted till party ended. Breast implants like Bobrisky’s should do,” she suggested.
Olunloyo also said “Tacha sounds like a village slay queen. Stop calling her a pig. She’s just starved for the good life. Seyi Awolowo is worth more than N60m considering all the money Grandfather Obafemi hid all over. He doesn’t even need the money just working hard for it as earned
“Tacha fans are certified morons. Who is Seyi without the Awolowo name you ask? We children of the elite have our own individuality. I take public transportation in Nigeria, drink sachet water, shop in markets. You children of the poor need to stop painting past glory.”
Olunloyo also predicted that Seyi Awolowo would win the 2019 BBNaija reality show.
“But first I need to know who is Seyi Awolowo’s dad. Is this late Uncle Wole’s son (Awo’s grandson) or Segun’s son (Awo’s great grandson then?) He’s quite Intelligent and will be the Winner followed by Tacha then the cigar guy. Police woman goes next week,” she said.
Below are reactions that followed her tweets.