Former Presidential candidate in the United States, Hillary Clinton, has warned President Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Army to stop killing young #EndSARS protesters in Nigeria.
Clinton who is also a former United States Secretary of State, a senator, and former First Lady took to her Twitter page on Tuesday night to react to the killings of peaceful protesters in Lekki Toll Gate, in Lagos state.
She wrote: “I’m calling on @mbuhari and the @hqnigerianarmy to stop killing young #EndSARS protesters. #StopNigeriaGovernment”

I haven’t seen a thing like this in my life, I was so shocked seeing the Nigerian army shooting at the unarmed protester, this is inhuman.
I have seen the true nature of the Nigerian government they never wanted the youth to grow but they have failed because the youth of this country Nigeria will never relent untill we see a better Nigeria.
The Government has woken the beast in us and they must have thier fare share. We have endured enough the brutality coming from the police,which is thier tool to keep us silent but we will rest no more untill we see a better Nigeria
For our fallen heroes we say we will never rest untill the fight you put on to see a better Nigeria come to past. May your soul find rest in the bosom of the Lord, Amen.
These were the sayings of Nelson Madela of blessed memories. He said and I quote: “The world we never respect Africa until Nigeria earn that respect.
The black people of the world are looking up to Nigeria be a source of pride and confidence.
Every Nigeria child should be made to understand this.
When I ponder on these words from our past hero I knew we as Nigeria has not started but it’s high time we take the bull by the horn and make a change of this corrupt country Nigeria .
We say no corrupt leaders
We say no to corrupt politicians
We say no to God fatherism
We say no to corrupt and bad Government.