Reality TV and entrepreneur, Kim Kardashian has revealed to her fans the serious skin condition, Psoriasis, which she has been suffering from, living her with red, flaky patches all over her face and body.
According to the TV reality superstar, she had suffered from Psoriasis first when she was 25 years old but has had an “extremely bad” attack of it this year. She wrote about her skin condition on her sister Kourtney’s website Poosh.
She explained:
“Earlier this year is when it got extremely bad – it covered my whole face and a majority of my entire body.”
“I was wearing this glitzy sequin dress from our store to the opening and I came home afterwards and was itching.
“It seemed like it came out of nowhere, but I thought that my skin was just sensitive toward the dress’s material. And then I came home to LA for Mason’s first birthday party and my mom looked at my leg and said it was definitely psoriasis.”
Adding that she also had psoriatic arthritis – which causes pain and swelling between her joints – she explained how it left her unable to even pick up the phone.
In her words:
“One night, I woke up to use the restroom and I physically couldn’t pick up my phone.
“I thought it was strange but maybe I just slept on my hands weird and I was so tired, I didn’t need to be checking my phone at that hour anyway. I fell right back asleep.
“‘I woke up that morning and I still couldn’t pick up my phone.
“I was freaking out – I couldn’t even pick up a toothbrush, my hands hurt so badly. I had worked out the day before and we did an arm day, so I thought maybe one of the exercises strained my hand.”
In conclusion, she said:
“If you have psoriasis, you can’t let it ruin your life or get the best of you. You have to do what you can to make sure you are comfortable but not let it take over.
“I hope my story can help anyone else with the autoimmune disease feel confident that there is light at the end of the tunnel.”
See the photo collage below.