A man from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has amazed many after his story went round on how he married married 4 women, ranging from student to principle, who belong to the same school.
The youngest wife who is still studying at the secondary level, has the same husband as her own teacher, the teacher has the same husband as her own supervisor. As if that was not enough, their husband went on to marry the principal.
The situation has astonished man. Although, it is reported that all 4 are living happily. It was also reported that there is no awkwardness or jealousy among 4 wives as they have learned to accept the others and live peacefully with the other wives.
The school has not been named but reported to be located in the Jazan region of the Kingdom. One of the wives, who worked as a teacher at the school, shared with the media her experience of the whole ordeal and how she works to make all the marriages work, including her own.
The teacher-wife has stated that she feels that nothing has changed since she has gotten married to the same man as her student, the supervisor, and the principal of the school. This arrangement between the four women has become a topic of frequent discussion in the school and the surrounding areas.

Everyone in the School talk about the strange arrangement: The students and some local people frequently talk about the strange arrangement that exists among the four women. Many people raise eyebrows at the women.
But, some people have also stood by them, saying that if the 4 women do not have a problem with their marriage, then neither should the students or anyone else.