Just in: Actor IK Ogbonna and Sonia Morales legally end their marriage

Recently, there have been speculations in the media that Actor IK Ogbonna and his ex-wife, Sonia Morales have finalised their divorce.

Well, this morning Sonia who got married to IK in 2015 and share a son with him took to her Instagram page to announce their divorce in an emotional farewell letter to her past and her Ex-husband.

She wrote:

This is a hard letter to write as i am pretty sure I will cry my way through this post. I know i should have said all these a long time ago, but back then, i was just weak and could not think straight because i was busy struggling to make things right the best possible way within and even beyond my capacities. 

A friend of mine asked me the other day if I had written a goodbye letter to my former life, my memories, my ex. When she brought the idea up, I got immediate chills and a touch of anxiety.I wonder why that is.

I used to have a very different life. I had a husband and a family. I had someone who lived here and i felt loved me full time. I had a future I was counting on. A lifetime of companionship, family vacations, milestones, laughter, and love but all to no avail as i felt deflated for many years and now its all gone.

In the past, I have blogged about stuff as it comes up, but no real goodbyes yet. 
Many times i felt miserable on the inside and cried my life out day and night in my room alone but as time went on, i outgrew the my reality i was passing through the years.

I want to use this medium to thank my ex-husband for not prolonging the hardship and now i have to face the world on my own. Our son will forever be a representation of you in my life.. Thank you for the lessons you taught me over the years. I wasn’t sure what to write, who to write to or what my angle would be.
But I know who I need to say goodbye to now with certainty.

Lastly, without hate or animosity, i look back at the past five years and all i can do is thank you. Thank you for the good times, for the hard times. Thank you for helping to shape the strong person I am today and for being a part of my life for a small slice of time.

See some of their happy-couple photos below

1 thought on “Just in: Actor IK Ogbonna and Sonia Morales legally end their marriage

  1. So many women of ‘class’ walk out of marriage to nothing but depression while the men contracts another woman same night. Twenty years after the product of this misadventure runs to hug the father and say goodbye to the mother. The poor woman endures the challenge all through and in twenty years raised from grass to grace. Who is loosing out?

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