A Japanese billionaire preparing to embark on an adventurous trip to the Moon is seeking a girlfriend to join him on the trip.
Billionaire Yusaku Maezawa, the first prospective rider on SpaceX’s future deep-space rocket, has launched a bizarre campaign to find a “female partner” to fly around the Moon with him.
Maezawa’s website promoting the campaign makes it clear that he isn’t just looking for a friend, but a significant other to accompany him on the trip to space.
“[Maezawa] has a long-held dream of going into space,” the website states.
“He wants to visit such a special place together with a special someone.” The website promotes the contest as a serious matchmaking event that will be documented in a reality show called “Full Moon Lovers,” set to air on the Japanese streaming service AbemaTV.
The contest is open to single women over the age of 20, who have “bright” personalities, want to enjoy life to the fullest, and want world peace. They also have to be interested in going to space.
The 44-year-old entrepreneur, who sold his online fashion retailer Zozo Inc to SoftBank Group Corp, is due to fly around the moon in 2023 as the first private passenger with Elon Musk’s SpaceX.
Mr Maezawa, who recently split from 27-year-old actress girlfriend Ayame Goriki, said he wanted to find a “life partner” to shout about their “love and world peace from outer space”.