The founder of Life of Faith and Prosperity Ministry, Asaba, Delta State, Pastor Veronica has said that God gave her anointed vagina as a solution to men who have infertility problems.
The clergywoman made the claims while delivering a sermon during a church service. According to her, any man who sleeps with her will be healed of his fertility problem.
She added that her mission on earth is to cure fertility problems in men which happens anytime her body fluid touches a man’s pen!s.
To make the information available to those who were not in her church, she also took to Facebook to share the message. Read her post below.

Only she nos wey n how she got her powers. Is possible she can heal, let’s not over look at her
So, how do you join, and how do you start treatment?
My response to this woman is
Reve.2:20-23:But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you according to your works.
That’s what it says! Don’t be deceived!
Thunder fire her vagina
How many man will furk you on earth, you will soon die of furky furky bcs some men without Infertility will come and furk you for nothing sake
What the furk man!
I would say her direct evidence would be in how many bastard children she has from her nasty fornicating and adultery. Otherwise, she is just a garden tool mocking God!
This lady cannot be a pastor sent by God. She is the most useless woman I have ever heard of. God is a holy God who hates sin, how can that same God annoying you to commit sin with men? She is sick in her mind and must see a psychatricst. Satanic woman.
I need a woman of God number for serious help
Where do men sign up?
Well, it can never be the living holy God that I knew that commissioned her, her commissioned &
prescription is satanic, it can never be the Holy God that anointed her, her anointing is from under the water. She is possessed with Marine demon and begin to watch, you will testify to it when the time will come.
This woman is playing God and therefore, b considered as a false prophet, out to deceive people of little and weak faith. Men who can’t control their sexual desires must b careful not to be Victims in d venoms of this woman. God, take ur place.
God bless you David
Na agent of darkness be this oh…do not be deceived
make she come PortHarcourt na.she go use eye see something for pipu hand.anyway i need her phone number.
The God I know is a consuming fire, and he warned that we do not use his name in vain, he knew such people will come to say he sent them but he never did, she must wait for her day of consumption with fire is fast approaching. Men pls don’t go there its an easy way to hell and its demonic!
You don’t “know” god at all because it he or she is imaginary same as santa and the tooth fairy, i’m sure you gave up believing in these when you grew up so make it the holy trinity and give them all up.
This woman needs deliverance. For God will surely visit her iniquities not only she also her husband that condole this rubbish
End time prophests. God has we thrawn from them today
Based on which verse in the Bible.
Proverbs 3:27
Please, the so call woman of God,is seriously sick both physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, therefore she needs medical doctor and after medicine, needs deliverance and healing, it’s my heartfelt prayer that the good Lord Jesus Christ Himself shall surely heal and save her.
Thank you Sir. Very well said
Jesus is coming back very soon it’s more sooner than later
One thing is certain, whoever posted this the first time must produce the evidence (ie the video clip where she made this statement). In as much as I personally do not believe anything, I see trending on social media. One out of two things is playing out here. on one hand, it is possible someone hacked into her Facebook account and used her name to post this stuff just to scandalize her. On the other hand, which is more profound is this. This woman by her title “Pastor Mrs …” clearly shows she is a married woman. This offer is not only unbiblical but also violates the holy ordinances of marriage and clearly points to its source – (The pit of hell) which makes it A TRAP and a device of the devil to destroy the weak and vulnerable men that’ll fall for it. THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A TRAP. THIS CAN ONLY COME FROM AN AGENT OF DARKNESS – one of the end-time false prophets.
One thing we must know is this, the so-called healing as she claimed is actually not healing but a spiritual transaction that will lead to the establishment of channels through which possessed children would be brought forth to the earth to carry out satanic missions. This is end-time and many more of such are coming.
So how do I sign up?
Pls first let not call her a pastor any more she is now of the devil she is not sent by GOD but by god(the devil). But does she even know Jesus Christ and I pity those men that will comply but men of Christ be like Joseph in the bible thank you.with love.
This woman is not of God. This is satanic and those attending the church are bring more curse to themselves .
Rasputta !
I would bang her like a dog , even i’m having no problems……
People have toiled with the name of He that dwell in the secret place of the most high is unfortunate. Anyway tell that woman that I need her for what she proposed for and also corona virus case any amount I will pay. Please help
So is there anyone that has slept with her that will say they have now had children? And can they provide proof of their infertility?
You’re stupid
All unrighteousness is SIN(Fornicatn, Adultery, Masturbatn, Prostitutn, Gay, Lesbian, Smokin, Drinkin, 419, Lies, Stealin, WearingEaring, Trouser, Mini Skrt, Attchmnt, ExtraEye&Finger, Bangle, Chain, Paintin, Parmin, Bleachin, Tattoo, PlaitingHair(Men), Occultism, Charm, SecreteCult, Idolatory, Murmurin, Strife, Divorce, Wives etc.). Dont be deceived. it is Written: The WAGES of SIN is DEATH. Except a man be BornAgain, He cant Enter heaven. A christian is not a SINNER & a sinner is not a CHRISTIAN. REPENT so that iniquity shall not be your RUINE. Let him that nameth the name of d LORD depart from iniquity. Give your life 2 CHRIST, b4 it is 2 late. Hell is Real.(Matt: 6:33, 19:4. John 3:3, 5:17, 10:10, 15:5. Ijohn 3:8, 5:17. 1corith 3:8. 6:9. 2corith 5:17. 2timothy3. Rom3:23, 6:23. Luke 16:18 , 17:26-30. Gal 5:19. Col 3:8. Exo 33:4-6. Deut 22:5. Job 22:23. Rev 21:8. Jer 4:30. Malachi 2:14-16. Isaiah 53:1, 9:6. Lev 18:22. 20:13,21, Ezekiel 18:21,30).
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Spell better