Famous power couple of 2019 BBNaija Pepper Dem gang, Mercy and Ike have unfollowed each other on Instagram. And, Fans think that there is fire on the mountain.

The couple unfollowed each other days after Ike attended the birthday party of Tacha. Afterwards, he posted a picture of himself and Mercy’s arch-rival, Tacha at Owerri for her Ciroc tour. According to some social media users, this was the source of the problem.

See what some fans are saying after they unfollowed each other;
i brekede for MercyEke: Mercy n Ike unfollowed eachother today n Ike knows dat posting his pix with tacha will upset many yet he went ahead to post it…isit right? He should have left d pix there without deleting it sometimes we just have to be sensitive of other pples feelings.
First Born: Ike,s attitude will pursue Mercy to the man that is meant for her, Mercy is too good for Ike, Ike need the type of Tacha conja conja.
@msugarbaby1: I had a feeling Ike and Mercy would have issues when Ike went to Tacha’s birthday & when Mercy played that music in the background . I just knew .