This is to inform the general public that Umuoyima community is not in any way connected with the devilish destruction of the Akachi Tower or any other government project in our community.
Before now, where Akachi is situated was where we have the Otamiri River (still there) surrounded and contaminated by all Owerri domestic waste(refuse and sewages). At night, we hardly breathe fresh air due to the constant burning of refuse which releases dangerous gasses that almost gave us incurable respiratory diseases. The area also served as a hide out for criminals and bandits before 2011.
The Rescue Mission government transformed the place, made the impossible, possible. The Rescue Mission government erected the Akachi Tower that has further pronounced the silent name of Umuoyima Autonomous Community which we believe in no distant time would tick our name in the world encyclopedia as the host community of the Adoration, religious cum tourist centre
For such a demolition to have taken place on a broad day light, the incumbent government Must be aware in one way or the other.
Umuoyima community demands clarification and explanation from the incumbent government.