APGA National Chairman, Ezeokenwa Laments Political Party Crisis as a Major Hindrance to Nigeria’s Development

APGA National Chairman, Barrister Sly Ezeokenwa, Laments Political Party Crisis as a Major Hindrance to Nigeria’s Developmental Progress – NDUKA ANYANWU.

In a recent interview, Barrister Sly Ezeokenwa, the National Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), expressed his concerns about the lingering crisis within political parties in Nigeria, citing it as a significant obstacle to the country’s developmental progress.

Barrister Ezeokenwa lamented that the persistent infighting, factionalization, and power struggles within political parties have distracted from the core objectives of governance, hindering the delivery of democratic dividends to the citizens. He
emphasized that a united and stable political party is essential for effective governance, policy consistency, and sustainable development.

The APGA National Chairman noted that the crisis has led to:

  • Diversion of resources from developmental projects to fund factional battles
  • Erosion of public trust in political parties and institutions
  • Undermining of democratic consolidation
  • Delayed decision-making and policy implementation

Barrister Ezeokenwa called for urgent reconciliation and restructuring within political
parties, emphasizing constructive dialogue, internal democracy, and respect for diverse perspectives. He urged political leaders TO PRIORITIZE NATIONAL INTERESTS OVER PERSONAL AMBITIONS, ensuring that political parties become vehicles for nation-building rather than obstacles to progress.

APGA, under his leadership, is committed to internal reform and constructive engagement with other political parties to foster a united and developmental-focused political landscape in Nigeria.
By understanding these challenges, we shall in our next article be engaging and looking into “Solutions to Political Party Crisis, Charts Path for Nigeria’s Developmental Progress” adopting and implementing the measures, stakeholders can build trust,
foster collaboration, and address issues proactively, reducing the likelihood of incessant political crisis in Nigeria. APGA National Chairman believes this would lead
to promoting harmony and progress in Nigeria polity.

Note: This brief article is written on behalf of Barrister Sly Ezeokenwa, the APGA National Chairman.

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