In a breakthrough judgment for Nigerian electricity consumers, a judge has ruled that new tenants cannot be forced to pay electricity bills accrued by old tenants.
Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) announced this on its official Twitter handle, adding that a landlord’s outstanding electricity bill cannot be enforced on a tenant.
NERC wrote on Twitter: “A Landlord’s outstanding electricity bills cannot be enforced on a tenant.
“A judge recently ruled that the bills of a previous tenant cannot be enforced on a new customer.
“Send us details if you are in such situations. ~Commissioner Nathan Shatti.”
Nigerians reacted to this revelation asking if the judge’s ruling will be applied as it contradicts what DISCOs are saying..
One Twitter user wrote: “Why is @NERCNG saying one thing and DICSO @AEDCELECTRICITY doing another? Are we not being scammed? “
And Abuja Electricity Distribution gave a contradictory reply via its official Twitter account @AEDCELECTRICITY, writing: “Hello, please be informed that once a property has accrued debts on the account. It continues to reflect until it is cleared. However, the tenants is supposed to have a discussion with the Landlord on how to clear off their outstanding debt.”
A Twitter user responded to Abuja Electricity Distribution, writing: “Do you even know what you are saying? There was a ruling and you are saying your own. Are you the judge?”
See below.