Ridiculous! U.S. Restaurant gets licence to serve human meat on their menu after 10 yrs of legal battle

The most bizarre thing you might hear today is that a New York Restaurant called SKIN has won a legal battle on cannibalism and has now gotten the license to serve human meat in their restaurant.

The restaurant which is now the first to be given the permit had insisted on serving human flesh after petitioning the state and federal governments over laws against cannibalism.

“As a species, we are at the top of the food chain, and the only meat left to tackle was other humans,” said SKIN owner Mario Dorcy, a 4-star Michelin chef. “We battled long and hard to be able to serve human meat in our restaurant, and the government finally conceded that we were in the right.”

Dorcy says that he has been fighting cannibal ordinance laws for over ten years, and was finally given the green-light after he promised that the meat that was used would only come from people who had donated their bodies specifically to his restaurant, knowing full well that they would be eaten.

“We have to keep meticulous records, and there is a lot of paperwork, someone has to fill out before they die, and before they can be eaten,” said Dorcy. “We do pay handsomely for body donations, though, and the money can be used for anything since funeral expenses become zero when you donate your body to be eaten.”

Dorcy says that there are plenty of dishes on the menu that do not include human meat, but those suspicious of the process should not order at all.

“Just like on those packages of candies with allergy warnings that say ‘the machines also are used to make items with nuts,’ our utensils are also used for cooking human meat,” said Dorcy. “So don’t come in if you’re not down with what we do.”

Note: Now that you have finished reading this incredibly bizarre recounting, Just know that this story is not factual. Yes! You read right, it didn’t happen in New York and it’s not real. The article was created for entertainment.

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6 thoughts on “Ridiculous! U.S. Restaurant gets licence to serve human meat on their menu after 10 yrs of legal battle

  1. I’ve read d story somewhere before now. There’s is a restaurant opened in Japan that cooks human meat for real. It was opened sometime ago

  2. Uptill now I did NOT believe that this is NOT true because in US many things are happening, I read how court grant same sex marriage, how blood brother and a sister got leave granted by court to Mary and how human can mary animals and many other outrageous court ruling.
    Right now as I write this story as cannibals must have up their ante to also flight for their rights.

  3. I first read the news when it was first published from the original site. Honestly, I took it in hook and sink, even shared it on my status. Worst still, a Nigeria or Africa media house actually aired it as an actual news, that I also shared…. . It took the intervention of an idiotic friend to make me think right. He viewed the status and immediately blasted me with insulting replies (am still weighing d option of blasting him back). Anyway, it dawn on me to do a fact check. Here I am. Thanks to you guys and others like alt.news I would have remained gullible. Thanks to my Canadian stupid mate even though I will still blast him.
    Anyways, i have learnt to always go down to read disclaimer to every news online. Cos some are satire news.

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