During Davido’s recent interview with Beat FM, he was asked to address the rumour about Chioma’s pregnancy. He declined to give response and simply said, ‘wait and see now’.
However, the interviewer insisted that he respond to the question and even reminded him that it was at Beat FM that he informed everyone that he was expecting his daughters from his Babymamas.
Davido then said, ”This one is special”.
Davido’s babymamas seem unimpressed with his answer that they took to Instagram to post photos of their daughters, calling each special.
First to react was his first babymama, Sophia Momodu who shared photos of her daughter, Imade and wrote, ‘you’re so special’.
Then, his second baby mama, Amanda also shared a photo collage of her daughter, Hailey and also wrote, ‘the most special baby’. See the screenshots below.