Hitting it off with a person from work could be really great. However, as great as it may seem, it is also important to know that it comes with a set of disadvantages and there are things you’ll need to keep in mind whenever you get in a relationship with a coworker.
Now, don’t get it wrong, it is understandable that many people spend more time around their co-workers than their actual friends and families. So it makes sense that they would want to talk about something other than work once in a while.
But no matter how close you are with a colleague, there are just certain details you should not discuss.
Your sexual history
You do not have to share the romantic encounters you have. There is entirely no reason for anyone to know what goes on between you and your partner or partners. This topic can cause your coworkers to feel uneasy around you.
Your job performance reviews and reports
Discussing this can make some colleague feel envious of you especially when your boss thinks you are doing very well. Be careful about such topics
Intimate details about your personal relationship
Keep your work and personal lives separate. Indulging yourself by talking to a coworker about your boyfriend’s bad fashion sense or that party you went to last night with a friend can make you seem unfocused and irresponsible to coworkers. The things you say about your personal life at work can quickly turn into office gossip.
Complaints about your Co-workers or boss
One of the things that you and your coworkers may have in common is a mutual disdain for your boss or some part of your job. While this may be a shared interest, discussing it with coworkers may not be in your best interest. It is normal to feel the need to vent your frustration to a work bud about something your boss or co-worker did that really pissed you off, but it’s never really worth it. Office gossip spreads like wildfire, and what you say to one person can easily get around to all. Be careful.
Problems with your spouse, children or family at large: Every so often you may fight with your parents or your siblings or spouse. No one needs to know the gory details of your family’s petty squabbles. Stay silent on this. Discussing problems you are having with family members may cause others, including your boss, to wonder if these difficulties will distract you from doing your job. Even if you know these issues won’t affect your work, they don’t. It is safe to avoid having this discussion with coworkers.
How much you hated your last jobs
“Even if someone had a truly horrifying experience in their previous industry or job, they should still be able to talk about their past employers in a positive way. If they rant about how much they hated their last job, this could make it seem like the employee doesn’t take responsibility for his or her own actions. It shows a sign of immaturity when they can’t at least share what was learned from the experience instead of placing blame on others.” ― Jason Carney
How the job hunt is going
It is best not to talk about your interests in seeking employment elsewhere unless you are okay with your colleagues finding out. This is not to say you shouldn’t seek employment elsewhere. It’s best not to share your exit strategy with others, aside from perhaps your boss once you are sure you will be leaving. It opens the door for others to develop their own perceptions of your intentions, leading to anything from sabotaging your efforts to gossiping about your future plans.