8 Things to Avoid Posting on Social Media

Social Networking sites are almost completely part of lives. We now find it easy to share so many details of our daily lives online that we seem to forget to be mindful of what we share about ourselves, our families, and our friends.

There are some personal information that is best not to share online.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram are some of the top networking sites that connect people around the world.

Sometimes we become too excited to share our thoughts, feelings, important events and even unverified information we see online. As much as the trend is a global issue, continue reading and take note of these eight things you should avoid posting online.

1. Unconfirmed news or Fake News – Imagine the trauma you can cause if the information is not verified. When the term “fake news” comes up, it is synonymous with creating or causing confusion which can lead to problems.

2. Screenshots of personal conversations – The word itself says “private” If you do so, you might get good numbers of appreciations (Likes) for once. However, no one will value you, or would rather not share anything personal with you as they will have the feeling that you might share that conversation too.

3. Your Home Address – Just avoid sharing your home address and personal phone number, unless your social profile is a very narrow one with few trustworthy people. If your profile is exactly the opposite and contains unknown people, refrain putting this at any cost. Don’t post where you live as you are making things easy for the bad guys. There’s a lot a criminal can do using just your address.

4. Personal Phone Number(s) – While you may want your friends to be able to contact you, your real phone number can fall into the wrong hands through a social networking site.

5. Your Financial Status – Whether you are a millionaire or middle class, don’t share your financial status with your online friends to avoid any negative exposure that might cause criminals to start haunting you.

6. Explicit content – Never share such content even when you are out of your mind. The internet is huge, and things get heated up pretty quickly. The content shared on the internet never gets deleted. You might remove it from your social profile but however, you don’t know how many sites would have already captured and preserved it. Protect your online reputation

7. Current Location – Many people don’t realize that when they post a status update or a tweet, they may also be revealing their current location through geo-tagging. Giving out your location information can be risky because it tells potential thieves that you are not at home.

8. Anything you don’t want to be online FOREVER – When you put something on social media, you have to assume it’s out there permanently. In the age of screenshots, there is no ‘taking it back’, even if you’ve made a big mistake. Before you post anything remotely personal or sensitive, ask yourself, “Do I want this to be online forever?” If the answer is no, don’t hit the ‘post’ button!